First meeting will consists of a zoom meeting in order to choose specific life skills goals from our list that the parents and or/guardians would like E.E.R.C.to work with along side their son/daughter/client (free of charge).
Second meeting will be in person, at the client's home or a familiar location to the client(s), in order for us to do a diagnostic assessment of the client's skill level and create achievable goals based on the chosen life skills plan. Per hour billing will begin.
After the second meeting, clients will be working on individualized life skills both at home (or a familiar setting to the client) and the community. A progress report will be given to parents/caregivers after each session.​​​
Hours of operations
Weekdays:​ 5pm to 7pm
Weekends: 10am to 5pm (with 1 hour break for lunch)